Source code for distrax.devices.brd_device
import os
import subprocess
from typing import List
from distrax.devices import DEVICE
from distrax.exceptions.exceptions import DeviceCreationError, NotEnoughMemoryError
from distrax.utils.system import free_memory
[docs]class BRDDevice:
"""BRDDevice class this allows for the creation and removal of the RAM block device.
It is important to note that this device uses system memory
and the block devices will be found at /dev/ram{number}
>>> device = BRDDevice()
[docs] @staticmethod
def create_device(size: int, number: int = 1) -> None:
"""Create BRD Block Device.
size: number representing a GiB, i.e 4 would mean 4GiB
number: Number of block devices to create, i.e. 4 will create 4 devices
of the size stated
NotEnoughMemoryError(): If the amount of memory requested is higher
than the memory available
DeviceCreationError(): If the creation device fails this either to
existing device or another reason.
Creates n blocks devices of the size stated.
>>> device.create_device(1, 10)
# Creates 10 1Gib block devices using system memory
size = size * 1024**2 # for BRD the size needs to be in KiB
free_mem = free_memory()
if size * number > free_mem:
raise NotEnoughMemoryError(
f"{number} Devices of {size}KiB totaling {number * size}KiB requested "
f"when only {free_mem}KiB available, please reduce the number of "
f"devices or the size of the device"
if os.path.exists("/dev/ram0"):
raise DeviceCreationError(
"BRD Ram Blocks already exists therefore new block device cannot be "
"created, please remove previous RAM block device before continuing"
return_code =
if return_code != 0:
raise DeviceCreationError(
"Device creation failed, please investigate further before running "
"DisTRaX again"
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_paths(number: int) -> List[str]:
"""Get the paths of the devices created.
number: number of devices created
List of Device Paths, i.e. /dev/ram0,/dev/ram1
devices = []
for i in range(number):
return devices
[docs] @staticmethod
def remove_device() -> None:
"""Removes the BRD device from the systems.
>>> device.remove_device()
# Removes the BRD block device from the system.
if os.path.exists("/dev/ram0"):
_device = DEVICE("brd", BRDDevice)