Source code for distrax.filesystems.ceph_filesystem

import configparser
import getpass
import json
import os
import subprocess
import time

import distrax.utils.fileio as fileio
from distrax.exceptions.exceptions import MountingFilesystemError
from distrax.filesystems import FILESYSTEM

[docs]class CephFilesystem: """Ceph Filesystem Class. This class contains all the methods required to mount and unmount a Ceph Filesystem To read more about the Ceph Gateway please see: Examples: >>> filesystem = CephFilesystem() >>> filesystem = CephFilesystem(folder="ceph") """ def __init__(self, folder: str = "ceph", timeout: int = 5): """Initialise the CephFilesystem object. Examples: >>> filesystem = CephFilesystem() """ self.mount_point: str = "/mnt/distrax" self.folder = folder self.timeout = timeout
[docs] def mount_filesystem(self) -> None: """Mount the Ceph Filesystem. This mounts the filesystem for the user in the /mnt/distrax/ location Examples: >>> filesystem.mount_filesystem() """ # Get user user = getpass.getuser() # Get admin key admin_key = ["ceph", "auth", "print-key", "client.admin"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE ).stdout.decode() # Create Filesystem directory fileio.create_dir(self.mount_point, 755, admin=True) # Mount filesystem mounted = False start = time.time() while mounted is False: [ "sudo", "mount", "-t", "ceph", ":/", self.mount_point, "-o", f"name=admin,secret={admin_key}", ] ) mounted = os.path.ismount(self.mount_point) time.sleep(0.1) if time.time() - start > self.timeout: raise MountingFilesystemError( "Mounting Ceph Filesystem timed out and failed. " "Ensure all the correct packages are " "installed for operating the ceph filesystem, i,e, ceph-mds." ) # Change the ownership of the folder to ceph fileio.recursive_change_ownership(self.mount_point, user, user, admin=True)
[docs] def unmount_filesystem(self) -> None: """Unmount the Ceph filesystem. Examples: >>> filesystem.unmount_filesystem() """ port = "6789" config = configparser.ConfigParser()"{self.folder}/ceph.conf") mon_ip = config["global"]["mon host"] mon_mount = mon_ip + f":{port}:/" mounts = ["findmnt", "-t", "ceph", "--json"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE ) if mounts.stdout.decode("utf-8") != "": mount_dict = json.loads(mounts.stdout) if "filesystems" in mount_dict: for filesystems in mount_dict["filesystems"]: if filesystems["source"] == mon_mount:["sudo", "umount", filesystems["target"]]) fileio.remove_dir(self.mount_point, admin=True)
_filesystem = FILESYSTEM("ceph", CephFilesystem)