Source code for distrax.gateways.ceph_gateway

import configparser
import json
import subprocess
import time

import distrax.utils.ceph as ceph
import distrax.utils.fileio as fileio
import as network
import distrax.utils.system as system
from distrax.gateways import GATEWAY
from distrax.pools.ceph_pool import CephPool

[docs]class CephGateway: """Ceph Gateway Class. This class contains all the methods required to create and remove a Ceph Gateway To read more about the Ceph Gateway please see: Examples: >>> gateway = CephGateway() >>> gateway = CephGateway(folder="ceph") """ def __init__(self, folder: str = "ceph", timeout: int = 60): """Initialise the CephMGR object. Args: folder: the location to store the keys of the ceph system Examples: >>> gateway = CephGateway() >>> gateway = CephGateway(folder="ceph") """ self.hostname = network.hostname() self.folder = folder self.timeout = timeout
[docs] def create_gateway(self) -> None: """Create the Ceph Rados Gateway Daemon. This Daemon operates with the monitor to provide additional monitoring and interfacing to external tools. Examples: >>> gateway.create_gateway() """ # Create key rgw_keyring = self._add_gateway() # Create MGR directory fileio.create_dir(f"{ceph.VAR_RGW}{self.hostname}", 755, admin=True) # Copy the key to the folder fileio.copy_file( f"{self.folder}/{rgw_keyring}", f"{ceph.VAR_RGW}{self.hostname}/keyring", admin=True, ) # Change the ownership of the folder to ceph fileio.recursive_change_ownership( f"{ceph.VAR_RGW}{self.hostname}", "ceph", "ceph", admin=True ) # Pools required for the RadosGateway pool = CephPool() pool.create_pool(name=".rgw.root", percentage=0.05) pool.create_pool(name="default.rgw.control", percentage=0.02) pool.create_pool(name="default.rgw.meta", percentage=0.02) pool.create_pool(name="default.rgw.log", percentage=0.02) pool.create_pool(name="default.rgw.buckets.index", percentage=0.05) pool.create_pool(name="", percentage=0.84) # Start the Daemon system.start_service(f"ceph-radosgw@radosgw.{self.hostname}") # Ensure that the service has joined the cluster. gateway_started = False start = time.time() while gateway_started is False: time.sleep(0.1) gateway_started = ceph.rgw_status() if time.time() - start >= self.timeout: raise TimeoutError( "Gateway Creation Timeout, please read the logs for more detail" )
def _add_gateway(self) -> str: """Adds the manager keys to the ceph system. The settings allow the mgr to access the Object Storage Devices (osd) and Metadata Sever (MDS) and Monitor. Returns: the name of the keyring ceph.mgr.keyring Examples: >>>gateway._add_gateway() ceph.client.radosgw.keyring """ [ "ceph", "auth", "get-or-create", f"client.radosgw.{self.hostname}", "mon", "allow *", "osd", "allow *", "-o" f"{self.folder}/ceph.client.radosgw.keyring", ] ) return "ceph.client.radosgw.keyring"
[docs] def create_s3_user(self) -> None: """Create s3 user, along with a credentials_file. Examples: >>> gateway.create_s3_user() Returns: credentials_file in the form: [default] user = distrax access_key = xxxx secret_key = xxxx endpoint = http://xxxx:7480:/ """ name: str = "distrax" start = time.time() user_creation_return_code = -1 while user_creation_return_code != 0: user_creation = [ "radosgw-admin", "user", "create", f"--uid={name}", f"--display-name={name}", ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ) user_creation_return_code = user_creation.returncode if time.time() - start >= self.timeout: raise TimeoutError( "User Creation, please read the logs for more detail" ) user_creation_dict = json.loads(user_creation.stdout.decode()) with open(f"{self.folder}/credentials", "w") as credentials_file: credentials = configparser.ConfigParser() config = configparser.ConfigParser()"{self.folder}/{ceph.CONFIG_FILE}") credentials.add_section("default") user = user_creation_dict["keys"][0]["user"] credentials.set("default", "user", user) access_key = user_creation_dict["keys"][0]["access_key"] credentials.set("default", "access_key", access_key) secret_key = user_creation_dict["keys"][0]["secret_key"] credentials.set("default", "secret_key", secret_key) credentials.set( "default", "endpoint", f"http://{config['global']['mon host']}:7480/" ) credentials.write(credentials_file)
[docs] def remove_gateway(self) -> None: """Remove the Ceph RadosGateway Daemon. Examples: >>> gateway.remove_gateway() """ system.stop_service("") system.disable_service("") system.stop_service("system-ceph\\x2dradosgw.slice") fileio.remove_dir(f"{ceph.VAR_RGW}{self.hostname}", admin=True)
_gateway = GATEWAY("ceph", CephGateway)