Source code for distrax.mdss.ceph_mds

import subprocess
import time

import distrax.utils.ceph as ceph
import distrax.utils.fileio as fileio
import as network
import distrax.utils.system as system
from distrax.exceptions.exceptions import DaemonNotStartedError, MDSNotStartedError
from distrax.mdss import MDS
from distrax.pools.ceph_pool import CephPool

[docs]class CephMDS: """Ceph Metdata Server Class. This class contains all the methods required to create and remove a Ceph Metadata Server To read more about the Ceph Metadata Server please see: Examples: >>> mgr = CephMDS() >>> mgr = CephMDS(folder="distrax") """ def __init__(self, folder: str = "ceph", timeout: int = 5): """Initialise the CephMDS object. Args: folder: the location to store the keys of the ceph system Examples: >>> mds = CephMDS() >>> mds = CephMDS(folder="distrax") """ self.hostname = network.hostname() self.folder = folder self.timeout = timeout
[docs] def create_mds(self) -> None: """Create the Ceph MDS Daemon. This Daemon operates with the cluster to store all the filesystem metadata and allow the filesystem to be created. Examples: >>> mds.create_mds() """ # Create key mds_keyring = self._add_mds() # Create MDS directory fileio.create_dir(f"{ceph.VAR_MDS}{self.hostname}", 755, admin=True) # Copy the key to the folder fileio.copy_file( f"{self.folder}/{mds_keyring}", f"{ceph.VAR_MDS}{self.hostname}/keyring", admin=True, ) # Change the ownership of the folder to ceph fileio.recursive_change_ownership( f"{ceph.VAR_MDS}{self.hostname}", "ceph", "ceph", admin=True ) # Start the Daemon system.start_service(f"ceph-mds@{self.hostname}") status = system.is_systemd_service_active(f"ceph-mds@{self.hostname}") if status is False: message = "Ceph MDS Daemon Failed to Start, please investigate" raise DaemonNotStartedError(message) # Pools required for the MDS pool = CephPool() pool.create_pool(name="cephfs_data", percentage=0.90) pool.create_pool(name="cephfs_metadata", percentage=0.10) # Create the filesystem for the MDS ["ceph", "fs", "new", "cephfs", "cephfs_metadata", "cephfs_data"] ) # Ensure that the filesystem has joined the cluster. mds_started = False start = time.time() while mds_started is False: time.sleep(0.1) mds_started = ceph.mds_status() if time.time() - start > self.timeout: raise MDSNotStartedError("Ceph MDS failed to start")
def _add_mds(self) -> str: """Adds the MDS keys to the ceph system. The settings allow the MDS to access the Object Storage Devices (osd) and Monitor. Returns: the name of the keyring ceph.mds.keyring Examples: >>>mds._add_mds() ceph.mds.keyring """ [ "ceph", "auth", "get-or-create", f"mds.{self.hostname}", "osd", "allow rwx", "mds", "allow", "mon", "allow profile mds", "-o" f"{self.folder}/ceph.mds.keyring", ] ) return "ceph.mds.keyring"
[docs] def remove_mds(self) -> None: """Remove the Ceph MDS Daemon. Examples: >>> mds.remove_mds() """ # Stop the filesystem["ceph", "fs", "fail", "cephfs", "--connect-timeout", "5"]) # Remeove the filesystem [ "ceph", "fs", "rm", "cephfs", "--yes-i-really-mean-it", "--connect-timeout", "5", ] ) # Stop the mds system.stop_service("") system.disable_service("") system.stop_service("system-ceph\\x2dmds.slice") fileio.remove_dir(f"{ceph.VAR_MDS}{self.hostname}")
_mds = MDS("ceph", CephMDS)