Source code for distrax.mons

import logging
from importlib import import_module
from typing import NamedTuple, Optional, Union

from . import abstract_mon

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
AVAILABLE = ["ceph"]
"""MONs that are supported and can be used."""

class MON(NamedTuple):
    """Structure for mon access."""

    name: str
    MON: type[abstract_mon.AbstractMON]

[docs]def set_mon(mon: str) -> None: """Sets the MON to use. Args: mon: the mon to get, i.e. ceph Examples: >>> distrax.mons as mon >>> mon.set_mon() """ mon = mon.lower() global _current if mon in AVAILABLE: module_ = import_module(f"distrax.mons.{mon}_mon") if hasattr(module_, "_mon"): log.debug("Switching monitor to `%s`", _current = module_._mon else: raise Exception(f"Module `{mon}` is not configured correctly.") else: raise Exception(f"Monitor `{mon}` is not available! Choose from: {AVAILABLE}")
[docs]def get_mon(name: str = "") -> Optional[MON]: """Gets the mon as specified by the name. Args: name: Name of a supported mon, i.e. ceph Returns: A name tuple with the name of the storage and the class Examples: >>> distrax.mons as mons >>> mon = mons.get_mon("ceph") >>> ceph >>> mon.MON CephMON """ if name != "": set_mon(name) if _current is None: set_mon(AVAILABLE[0]) return _current
_current: Union[MON, None] = None