Source code for distrax.osds.abstract_osd

from typing import List, Protocol, runtime_checkable

[docs]@runtime_checkable class AbstractOSD(Protocol): """An interface for OSD Classes. Outlines the methods required for OSD classes, for an OSD class to be functional it must implement `create_osds` and `remove_osds` in the method stated here. """
[docs] def create_osds(self, devices: List[str]) -> None: """Create the OSD devices. Args: devices: A list of block devices files names, e.g. /dev/nvme0n1p1 or /dev/ram0 """ ...
[docs] def is_osd_ready(self, num_up_and_in: int) -> bool: """Check if the OSDs are ready. Args: num_up_and_in: The number of OSDS expected to be up and running Returns: True when the number of up and in match stated requirment. Examples: >>> osd.osd_ready() True """ ...
[docs] def remove_osds(self) -> None: """Remove the OSDs created.""" ...