Source code for distrax.osds.ceph_osd

import glob
import json
import logging
import subprocess
import time
from typing import List

import distrax.utils.ceph as ceph
import distrax.utils.fileio as fileio
import distrax.utils.system as system
from distrax.osds import OSD

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class CephOSD: """Class for the creation and removal of Ceph OSDs. To read more about the Ceph OSD please see: Examples: >>> osd = CephOSD() >>> osd = CephOSD(folder="distrax") """ def __init__( self, folder: str = "ceph", system_timeout: int = 60, ceph_timeout: int = 5 ): """Initialise the CephOSD object. Args: folder: the place to place the keys of the ceph system. system_timeout: The amount of time before a timeout for system actions, this defaulted to 60 seconds. ceph_timeout: The amount of time a ceph command can run before timeout. """ self.folder = folder self.system_timeout = system_timeout self.ceph_timeout = str(ceph_timeout)
[docs] def create_osds(self, devices: List[str]) -> None: """Create the OSDs devices. Args: devices: The device names to turn into OSDs. Examples: >>> osd.create_osds(["/dev/ram0", "/dev/ram1"]) """ # Create needed directories for OSDs to run on the system fileio.create_dir(ceph.VAR_BOOTSTRAP_OSD, 755, admin=True) fileio.create_dir(ceph.VAR_OSD, 755, admin=True) # Copy OSDs files to ETC Ceph fileio.copy_file( f"{self.folder}/{ceph.CONFIG_FILE}", f"{ceph.ETC_CEPH}/{ceph.CONFIG_FILE}", admin=True, ) fileio.copy_file( f"{self.folder}/{ceph.ADMIN_KEYRING}", f"{ceph.ETC_CEPH}/{ceph.ADMIN_KEYRING}", admin=True, ) fileio.copy_file( f"{self.folder}/{ceph.OSD_KEYRING}", f"{ceph.ETC_CEPH}/ceph.keyring", admin=True, ) # Copy OSDs files to VAR Ceph fileio.copy_file( f"{self.folder}/{ceph.OSD_KEYRING}", f"{ceph.VAR_BOOTSTRAP_OSD}/ceph.keyring", admin=True, ) # Create the OSDs using ceph-volume for device in devices: ["sudo", "ceph-volume", "lvm", "create", "--data", device], )"Created {device} OSD")
[docs] def is_osd_ready(self, num_up_and_in: int) -> bool: """Check if the OSDs are ready. Args: num_up_and_in: The number of OSDS expected to be up and running Returns: True when the number of up and in match stated requirment. Examples: >>> osd.osd_ready() True """ status_process = [ "ceph", "osd", "stat", "--format=json", "--connect-timeout", self.ceph_timeout, ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, ) status = dict(json.loads(status_process.stdout)) """{'epoch': 1, 'num_osds': 5, 'num_up_osds': 5, 'osd_up_since': 1, 'num_in_osds': 5, 'osd_in_since': 1, 'num_remapped_pgs': 0}""" if ( status["num_up_osds"] == num_up_and_in and status["num_in_osds"] == num_up_and_in ): return True return False
[docs] def remove_osds(self) -> None: """Remove the OSDs devices from the system. Examples: >>> osd.remove_osds() """ # Get OSD_ids from the host system osd_ids = glob.glob(f"{ceph.VAR_OSD_ID}*") # Set OSDs to out to ensure safe removal for osd_id in osd_ids: osd_id = osd_id.strip(ceph.VAR_OSD_ID) [ "ceph", "osd", "out", str(osd_id), "--connect-timeout", self.ceph_timeout, ] ) # Wait for the osd to be set to out time.sleep(1) # Stop services system.stop_service(f"ceph-osd@{osd_id}") system.stop_service(f"var-lib-ceph-osd-ceph\\x2d{osd_id}.mount") # Stop OSDs service system.stop_service("") system.disable_service("") # Remove ceph and clean devices pvs_process = ["sudo", "pvs", "--separator", ",", "-o", "pv_name,vg_name"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ) pvs_output = pvs_process.stdout.decode("utf-8") pvs_output_lst = pvs_output.replace(" ", "").splitlines() for pv in pvs_output_lst: pvs = pv.split(",") # PV, VG if pvs[1][:4] == "ceph": remove_osd_process = ["sudo", "ceph-volume", "lvm", "zap", "--destroy", pvs[0]], ) while remove_osd_process.returncode != 0: time.sleep(1) remove_osd_process = ["sudo", "ceph-volume", "lvm", "zap", "--destroy", pvs[0]], ) # Get ceph-volume services osd_services = glob.glob( "/etc/systemd/system/*" ) # remove ceph-volume services for osd_service in osd_services: fileio.remove_file(osd_service, admin=True) for osd_id in osd_ids: osd_id = osd_id.strip(ceph.VAR_OSD_ID) fileio.remove_file(f"{ceph.VAR_RUN}osd.{osd_id}.asok", admin=True) system.stop_service("system-ceph\\x2dosd.slice") system.stop_service("system-ceph\\x2dvolume.slice") fileio.remove_dir(ceph.VAR_BOOTSTRAP_OSD, admin=True) fileio.remove_dir(ceph.VAR_OSD, admin=True)
_osd = OSD("ceph", CephOSD)