Source code for distrax.utils.fileio

import os
import shutil
import subprocess
from typing import List

[docs]def create_dir(path: str, mode: int, admin: bool = False) -> bool: """Create new directory with the path and mode specified. Args: path: The path of the folder mode: The permissions of the directory using linux access codes admin: To run under escalted privileges Returns: True if successful else False Examples: >>> distrax.utils.fileio.create_dir("directory_path", 664) """ if os.path.exists(path) is True: return False command = "" if admin: command += "sudo " command += f"mkdir -p -m {mode} {path}" command_lst = command.split() process = command_lst, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE ) if process.returncode != 0: return False return True
[docs]def remove_dir(path: str, admin: bool = False) -> bool: """Remove a directory and contents of the path specified. Args: path: The path to the folder admin: To run under escalted privileges Returns: True if successful else False Examples: >>> distrax.utils.fileio.remove_dir("folder_exists") True >>> distrax.utils.fileio.remove_dir("non_existent_folder") False """ command = "" if admin: command += "sudo " command += f"find {path} -mindepth 0 -delete" command_lst = command.split() process = command_lst, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE ) if process.returncode != 0: return False return True
[docs]def copy_file(src: str, dest: str, admin: bool = False) -> bool: """Copy a file from src to dest. Maintaining Permissions but no other metadata. Args: src: path to the file that will be copied dest: Destination of the file admin: To run under escalted privileges Returns: True if successful else False Examples: >>> distrax.utils.fileio.copy_file("file_exists", "./new_file") True >>> distrax.utils.fileio.copy_file("non_existent_file", "./new_file") False """ command = "" if admin: command += "sudo " command += f"cp {src} {dest}" command_lst = command.split() process = command_lst, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE ) if process.returncode != 0: return False return True
[docs]def remove_file(path: str, admin: bool = False) -> bool: """Remove a file at the path specified. Args: path: The path to the file that will be removed admin: To run under escalted privileges Returns: True if successful else False Examples: >>> distrax.utils.fileio.remove_file("file_exists") True >>> distrax.utils.fileio.remove_file("non_existent_file") False """ command = "" if admin: command += "sudo " if os.path.exists(path): command += f"find {path} -mindepth 0 -delete" command_lst = command.split() process = command_lst, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE ) if process.returncode != 0: return False return True else: return False
[docs]def change_ownership(path: str, user: str, group: str, admin: bool = False) -> bool: """Change the ownership of a file or directory. Args: path: path to file/directory to change user: the user to change ownership to group: the group to change ownership to admin: To run under escalted privileges Returns: True if successful else False Examples: >>> distrax.utils.fileio.change_ownership("file",user="user",group="grp") True >>> distrax.utils.fileio.change_ownership("no_file",user="user",group="grp") False """ command = "" if admin: command += "sudo " command += f"chown {user}:{group} {path}" command_lst = command.split() process = command_lst, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE ) if process.returncode != 0: return False return True
[docs]def recursive_change_ownership( path: str, user: str, group: str, admin: bool = False ) -> bool: """Recursively change the ownership of a directory and the files within. Args: path: path of directory to change ownership of user: the user to change ownership to group: the group to change ownership to admin: To run under escalted privileges Returns: True if successful else False Examples: >>> distrax.utils.fileio.recursive_change_ownership("folder", "usr", "grp") True >>> distrax.utils.fileio.recursive_change_ownership("no_folder","usr", "grp") False """ command = "" if admin: command += "sudo " command += f"chown -R {user}:{group} {path}" command_lst = command.split() process = command_lst, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE ) if process.returncode != 0: return False return True
[docs]def change_permissions(path: str, mode: int) -> bool: """Change a files permission to the mode specified. Args: path: Path of the file to change mode: Octal number of linux permissions i.e. 0o755 Returns: True if successful else False Examples: >>> distrax.utils.fileio.change_permissions("file", 0o775) True >>> distrax.utils.fileio.change_permissions("no_file",0o775) False """ if os.path.exists(path): os.chmod(path, mode) return True else: return False
[docs]def recursive_change_permissions(path: str, mode: int) -> bool: """Recursively change the permissions of a directory and the files to the mode. Args: path: Path of the file to change mode: Octal number of linux permissions i.e. 0o755 Returns: True if successful else False Examples: >>> distrax.utils.fileio.recursive_change_permissions("folder", 0o775) True >>> distrax.utils.fileio.recursive_change_permissions("no_folder",0o775) False """ if os.path.isdir(path): for dir_path, _, filenames in os.walk(path): change_permissions(dir_path, mode) for filename in filenames: change_permissions(os.path.join(dir_path, filename), mode) return True else: return False
[docs]def append_file_in_folder( folder: str, file_to_update: str, files_to_append: List[str] ) -> None: r"""Append file_to_update with the files in files_to_append. Write the contents of the files_to_append into the file_to_update, the files must be from the same folder. Args: folder: Where the files are stored file_to_update: File to update files_to_append: The files to append Examples: cat ./file1 hi cat ./file2 hi >>> distrax.utils.fileio.append_file_in_folder(".", "file1", ["file2"]) cat ./file1 hi\n hi """ with open(f"{folder}/{file_to_update}", "ab") as write_file: for file in files_to_append: write_file.write(b"\r\n") with open(f"{folder}/{file}", "rb") as infile: shutil.copyfileobj(infile, write_file)