
The Official Manual

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Installation instructions

Installing this package is easiest when using an Anaconda or Miniconda environment, and works well on macOS, Linux and Windows. Otherwise, this may be quite complicated, given that this package depends on Gtk+3 and its rather impressive dependency stackā€¦

The latest stable release is available from conda-forge. We strongly recommend creating a dedicated environment before proceeding:

  1. conda create -n rfi-file-monitor -c conda-forge rfi-file-monitor
  2. conda activate rfi-file-monitor
  3. rfi-file-monitor

PyPI (discouraged)

It is possible to install RFI-File-Monitor using pip on a Linux or macOS system with python 3.8 or newer, and the complete Gtk+3 stack installed, including gobject-introspection along with its headers (devel package).

When this is done, create a new virtual environment:

  1. python3 -m venv /path/to/new/virtual/environment
  2. source python3 /path/to/new/virtual/environment/bin/activate
  3. pip3 install rfi-file-monitor
  4. rfi-file-monitor