Python API
This is under developement
The functionality of the command line programs can be called from python as shown below.
Image IO functions
-, shape=None, pixel_size=1, dtype='float32', vmin=None, vmax=None)
Create a new file for writing
- Parameters:
filename (str) – The output filename
shape (tuple) – The output shape
pixel_size (tuple) – The pixel size
dtype (object) – The data type (only used with NexusWriter)
vmin (int) – The minimum value (only used in ImageWriter)
vmax (int) – The maximum value (only used in ImageWriter)
- Returns:
The file writer
- Return type:
Read the simulated data from file
- Parameters:
filename (str) – The output filename
PDB file functions
Return the path to the data file
- Parameters:
name (str) – The pdb id
- Returns:
The absolute filename
- Return type:
Configuration functions
- str = 'config.yaml', full: bool = False) Config
Generate a new config file
- Parameters:
filename – The config filename
full – Full or basic configuration
Sample functions
-, sample_file: str) Sample
- Config, filename: str) Sample
- Sample, filename: str) Sample
Create an ice sample and save it
- Parameters:
config_file – The input config filename
sample_file – The sample filename
- parakeet.sample.add_molecules(config_file, sample_file: str) Sample
- parakeet.sample.add_molecules(config: Config, sample_file: str) Sample
- parakeet.sample.add_molecules(config: Sample, sample: Sample) Sample
Add molecules to the sample
- Parameters:
config_file – The input config filename
sample_file – The input sample filename
- parakeet.sample.mill(config_file, sample_file: str) Sample
- parakeet.sample.mill(config: Config, sample_file: str) Sample
- parakeet.sample.mill(config: Sample, sample: Sample) Sample
Mill to the shape of the sample
- Parameters:
config_file – The input config filename
sample_file – The sample filename
- Returns:
The sample object
Image simulation functions
- parakeet.simulate.potential(config_file, sample_file: str, potential_prefix: str, device: Device = None, nproc: int = None, gpu_id: list = None)
- parakeet.simulate.potential(config: Config, sample_file: str, potential_prefix: str)
Simulate the projected potential from the sample
- Parameters:
config_file – The input config filename
sample_file – The input sample filename
potential_prefix – The input potential filename
device – The device to run on (cpu or gpu)
nproc – The number of processes
gpu_id – The list of gpu ids
- parakeet.simulate.exit_wave(config_file, sample_file: str, exit_wave_file: str, device: Device = None, nproc: int = None, gpu_id: list = None)
- parakeet.simulate.exit_wave(config: Config, sample: Sample, exit_wave_file: str)
Simulate the exit wave from the sample
- Parameters:
config_file – The config filename
sample_file – The sample filename
exit_wave_file – The exit wave filename
device – The device to run on (cpu or gpu)
nproc – The number of processes
gpu_id – The list of gpu ids
- parakeet.simulate.optics(config_file, exit_wave_file: str, optics_file: str, device: Device = None, nproc: int = None, gpu_id: list = None)
- parakeet.simulate.optics(config: Config, exit_wave_file: str, optics_file: str)
Simulate the optics
- Parameters:
config_file – The input config filename
exit_wave_file – The input exit wave filename
optics_file – The output optics filename
device – The device to run on (cpu or gpu)
nproc – The number of processes
gpu_id – The list of gpu ids
- parakeet.simulate.image(config_file, optics_file: str, image_file: str)
- parakeet.simulate.image(config: Config, optics_file: str, image_file: str)
Simulate the image with noise
- Parameters:
config_file – The config filename
optics_file – The optics image filename
image_file – The output image filename
- parakeet.simulate.ctf(config_file, output_file: str)
- parakeet.simulate.ctf(config: Config, output_file: str)
Simulate the ctf
- Parameters:
config_file – The config filename
output_file – The output ctf filename
Analysis functions
- parakeet.analyse.correct(config_file, image_file: str, corrected_file: str, num_defocus: int = 1, device: Device = None)
- parakeet.analyse.correct(config: Config, image_filename: str, corrected_filename: str, num_defocus: int | None = None)
Correct the images using 3D CTF correction
- Parameters:
config_file – The input config filename
image_file – The input image filename
corrected_file – The output CTF corrected filename
num_defocus – The number of defoci
device – The device to use (CPU or GPU)
- parakeet.analyse.reconstruct(config_file, image_file: str, rec_file: str, device: Device = None)
- parakeet.analyse.reconstruct(config: Config, image_filename: str, rec_filename: str)
Reconstruct the volume
- Parameters:
config_file – The input config filename
image_file – The input image filename
rec_file – The output CTF corrected reconstruction filename
device – The device to use (CPU or GPU)
- parakeet.analyse.average_particles(config_file, sample_file: str, rec_file: str, half1_file: str, half2_file: str, particle_size: int | dict, num_particles: int)
- parakeet.analyse.average_particles(config: Scan, sample: Sample, rec_filename: str, half_1_filename: str, half_2_filename: str, particle_size: int | dict = 0, num_particles: int = 0)
Perform sub tomogram averaging
- Parameters:
config_file – The input config filename
sample_file – The sample filename
rec_file – The reconstruction filename
half1_file – The particle average filename for half 1
half2_file – The particle average filename for half 2
particle_size – The particle size (px)
num_particles – The number of particles to average
- parakeet.analyse.average_all_particles(config_file, sample_file: str, rec_file: str, average_file: str, particle_size: int | dict, num_particles: int)
- parakeet.analyse.average_all_particles(config: Scan, sample: Sample, rec_filename: str, average_filename: str, particle_size: int | dict = 0, num_particles: int = 0)
Perform sub tomogram averaging
- Parameters:
config_file – The input config filename
sample_file – The sample filename
rec_file – The reconstruction filename
average_file – The particle average filename
particle_size – The particle size (px)
- parakeet.analyse.extract(config_file, sample_file: str, rec_file: str, particles_file: str, particle_size: int | dict, particle_sampling: int)
- parakeet.analyse.extract(config: Config, sample: Sample, rec_filename: str, extract_file: str, particle_size: int | dict = 0, particle_sampling: int = 1)
Perform sub tomogram extraction
- Parameters:
config_file – The input config filename
sample_file – The sample filename
rec_file – The reconstruction filename
particles_file – The file to extract the particles to
particle_size – The particle size (px)
particle_sampling – The particle sampling (factor of 2)
- parakeet.analyse.refine(sample_filename: str, rec_filename: str)
Refine the molecule against the map
-, sample_file: str, exit_wave_file: str, optics_file: str, image_file: str, device: Device = None, nproc: int = None, gpu_id: list = None, steps: list = None)
- Config, sample_file: str, exit_wave_file: str, optics_file: str, image_file: str, steps: list | None = None)
Simulate the TEM image from the sample
If steps is None then all steps are run, otherwise steps is a list which contains one or more of the following: all, sample, simulate,, sample.add_molecules, simulate.exit_wave, simulate.optics and simulate.image
- Parameters:
config_file – The config filename
sample_file – The sample filename
exit_wave_file – The exit wave filename
optics_file – The optics filename
image_file – The image filename
device – The device to run on (cpu or gpu)
nproc – The number of processes
gpu_id – The list of gpu ids
steps – Choose the steps to run
Data models
- class parakeet.beam.Beam(energy: float = 300, energy_spread: float = 0, acceleration_voltage_spread: float = 0, illumination_semiangle: float = 0.1, electrons_per_angstrom: float = 40, theta: float = 0, phi: float = 0, incident_wave: str | None = None)
A class to encapsulate a beam
- __init__(energy: float = 300, energy_spread: float = 0, acceleration_voltage_spread: float = 0, illumination_semiangle: float = 0.1, electrons_per_angstrom: float = 40, theta: float = 0, phi: float = 0, incident_wave: str | None = None)
Initialise the beam
- Parameters:
energy – The beam energy (keV)
energy_spread – dE / E where dE is the 1/e half width
acceleration_voltage_spread – dV / V where dV is the 1 / e half width
illumination_semiangle – The illumination semiangle spread (mrad)
electrons_per_angstrom – The number of electrons per angstrom
theta – The beam tilt theta
phi – The beam tilt phi
incident_wave – The wave function
- property acceleration_voltage_spread: float
dV / V where dV is the 1 / e half width
- property electrons_per_angstrom: float
The number of electrons per angstrom
- property energy: float
The beam energy (keV)
- property energy_spread: float
dE / E where dE is the 1/e half width
- property illumination_semiangle: float
The illumination semiangle (mrad)
- property phi: float
The beam tilt phi
- property theta: float
The beam tilt theta
- class parakeet.detector.Detector(nx: int = 0, ny: int = 0, pixel_size: float = 1, origin: Tuple[float, float, float] = (0, 0, 0), dqe: bool = True)
A class to encapsulate a detector
- __init__(nx: int = 0, ny: int = 0, pixel_size: float = 1, origin: Tuple[float, float, float] = (0, 0, 0), dqe: bool = True)
Initialise the detector
- Parameters:
nx – The size of the detector in X
ny – The size of the detector in Y
pixel_size – The effective size of the pixels in A
origin – The detector origin (A, A)
dqe – Use the detector DQE
- class parakeet.lens.Lens(m: int = 0, c_10: float = 20, c_12: float = 0.0, phi_12: float = 0.0, c_21: float = 0.0, phi_21: float = 0.0, c_23: float = 0.0, phi_23: float = 0.0, c_30: float = 0.04, c_32: float = 0.0, phi_32: float = 0.0, c_34: float = 0.0, phi_34: float = 0.0, c_41: float = 0.0, phi_41: float = 0.0, c_43: float = 0.0, phi_43: float = 0.0, c_45: float = 0.0, phi_45: float = 0.0, c_50: float = 0.0, c_52: float = 0.0, phi_52: float = 0.0, c_54: float = 0.0, phi_54: float = 0.0, c_56: float = 0.0, phi_56: float = 0.0, inner_aper_ang: float = 0.0, outer_aper_ang: float = 0.0, c_c: float = 0.0, current_spread: float = 0.0)
A class to encapsulate a lens
- __init__(m: int = 0, c_10: float = 20, c_12: float = 0.0, phi_12: float = 0.0, c_21: float = 0.0, phi_21: float = 0.0, c_23: float = 0.0, phi_23: float = 0.0, c_30: float = 0.04, c_32: float = 0.0, phi_32: float = 0.0, c_34: float = 0.0, phi_34: float = 0.0, c_41: float = 0.0, phi_41: float = 0.0, c_43: float = 0.0, phi_43: float = 0.0, c_45: float = 0.0, phi_45: float = 0.0, c_50: float = 0.0, c_52: float = 0.0, phi_52: float = 0.0, c_54: float = 0.0, phi_54: float = 0.0, c_56: float = 0.0, phi_56: float = 0.0, inner_aper_ang: float = 0.0, outer_aper_ang: float = 0.0, c_c: float = 0.0, current_spread: float = 0.0)
Initialise the lens
- Parameters:
m – The vortex momentum
c_10 – The defocus (A)
c_12 – The 2-fold astigmatism (A)
phi_12 – The azimuthal angle of 2-fold astigmatism (degrees)
c_21 – The axial coma (A)
phi_21 – The azimuthal angle of axial coma (degrees)
c_23 – The 3-fold astigmatism (A)
phi_23 – The azimuthal angle of 3-fold astigmatism (degrees)
c_30 – The 3rd order spherical aberration (mm)
c_32 – The axial star aberration (A)
phi_32 – The azimuthal angle of axial star aberration (degrees)
c_34 – The 4-fold astigmatism (A)
phi_34 – The azimuthal angle of 4-fold astigmatism (degrees)
c_41 – The 4th order axial coma (A)
phi_41 – The azimuthal angle of 4th order axial coma (degrees)
c_43 – The 3-lobe aberration (A)
phi_43 – The azimuthal angle of 3-lobe aberration (degrees)
c_45 – The 5-fold astigmatism (A)
phi_45 – The azimuthal angle of 5-fold astigmatism (degrees)
c_50 – The 5th order spherical aberration (mm)
c_52 – The 5th order axial star aberration (A)
phi_52 – The azimuthal angle of 5th order axial star aberration (degrees)
c_54 – The 5th order rosette aberration (A)
phi_54 – The azimuthal angle of 5th order rosette aberration (degrees)
c_56 – The 6-fold astigmatism (A)
phi_56 – The azimuthal angle of 6-fold astigmatism (degrees)
inner_aper_ang – The inner aperture (mrad)
outer_aper_ang – The outer aperture (mrad)
c_c – The chromatic abberation (mm)
current_spread – dI / I where dI is the 1/e half width
- class parakeet.microscope.Microscope(model: ~parakeet.config.MicroscopeModel | None = None, beam: ~parakeet.beam.Beam = <parakeet.beam.Beam object>, lens: ~parakeet.lens.Lens = <parakeet.lens.Lens object>, detector: ~parakeet.detector.Detector = <parakeet.detector.Detector object>, phase_plate: ~parakeet.microscope.PhasePlate = <parakeet.microscope.PhasePlate object>, objective_aperture_cutoff_freq=None)
A class to encapsulate a microscope
- __init__(model: ~parakeet.config.MicroscopeModel | None = None, beam: ~parakeet.beam.Beam = <parakeet.beam.Beam object>, lens: ~parakeet.lens.Lens = <parakeet.lens.Lens object>, detector: ~parakeet.detector.Detector = <parakeet.detector.Detector object>, phase_plate: ~parakeet.microscope.PhasePlate = <parakeet.microscope.PhasePlate object>, objective_aperture_cutoff_freq=None)
Initialise the detector
- Parameters:
model – The microscope model name
beam – The beam object
lens – The lens object
detector – The detector object
phase_plate – The phase plate
- property model: MicroscopeModel | None
The microscope model type
- property phase_plate: PhasePlate
Do we have a phase plate
- class parakeet.scan.Scan(image_number: ndarray | None = None, fraction_number: ndarray | None = None, axis: ndarray | None = None, angle: ndarray | None = None, shift: ndarray | None = None, shift_delta: ndarray | None = None, beam_tilt_theta: ndarray | None = None, beam_tilt_phi: ndarray | None = None, electrons_per_angstrom: ndarray | None = None, defocus_offset: ndarray | None = None, exposure_time: float = 1, is_uniform_angular_scan: bool = False)
A scan of angles around a single rotation axis.
- __init__(image_number: ndarray | None = None, fraction_number: ndarray | None = None, axis: ndarray | None = None, angle: ndarray | None = None, shift: ndarray | None = None, shift_delta: ndarray | None = None, beam_tilt_theta: ndarray | None = None, beam_tilt_phi: ndarray | None = None, electrons_per_angstrom: ndarray | None = None, defocus_offset: ndarray | None = None, exposure_time: float = 1, is_uniform_angular_scan: bool = False)
Initialise the scan
- property angles: ndarray
Get the angles
- property axes: ndarray
Get the axes
- property beam_tilt_phi: ndarray
Get the beam tilt phi angles
- property beam_tilt_theta: ndarray
Get the beam tilt theta angles
- property defocus_offset: ndarray
Get the defocus offset
- property electrons_per_angstrom: ndarray
Get the dose
- property euler_angles: ndarray
Euler angle representation of the orientations.
The Euler angles are intrinsic, right handed rotations around ZYZ. This matches the convention used by XMIPP/RELION.
- property exposure_time: ndarray
Get the exposure times
- property fraction_number: ndarray
Get the movie fraction number
- property image_number: ndarray
Get the image number
- property orientation: ndarray
Get the orientations
- property position: ndarray
Get the positions
- property shift: ndarray
Get the shifts
- property shift_delta: ndarray
Get the shift deltas (drift)
- class parakeet.sample.Sample(filename=None, mode='r')
A class to hold the sample data
- __init__(filename=None, mode='r')
Initialise the class with a filename
- Parameters:
filename (str) – The filename
mode (str) – The open mode
- add_atoms(atoms)
Add some atoms
- Parameters:
atoms (object) – The atom data to add to the sample
- add_molecule(atoms, positions, orientations, name=None)
Add a molecule.
This adds the atoms of each copy of the molecule but also stores the molecule itself with the positions and orientations
- Parameters:
atoms (object) – The atom data
positions (list) – A list of positions
orientations (list) – A list of orientations
name (str) – The name of the molecule
- atoms_dataset_name(x)
Get the atom dataset name
- atoms_dataset_range(x0, x1)
Get the atom dataset range
- Parameters:
x0 (array) – The minimum coord
x1 (array) – The maximum coord
- Yields:
tuple – The coordinates of the sub ranges
- atoms_dataset_range_3d(x0, x1)
Get the atom dataset range
- Parameters:
x0 (array) – The minimum coord
x1 (array) – The maximum coord
- Yields:
tuple – The coordinates of the sub ranges
- property bounding_box
The bounding box
- Returns:
lower, upper - the bounding box coordinates
- Return type:
- property centre
The centre of the shape
- close()
Close the HDF5 file
- property containing_box
The box containing the sample
- del_atoms(deleter)
Delete atoms in the given range
- Parameters:
deleter (func) – Check atoms and return only those we want to keep
- property dimensions
The dimensions of the bounding box
- Returns:
The dimensions
- Return type:
- get_atoms()
Get all the atoms
- Returns:
The atom data
- Return type:
- get_atoms_in_fov(x0, x1)
Get the subset of atoms within the field of view
- Parameters:
x0 (float) – The start of the z range
x1 (float) – The end of the z range
- Returns:
The atom data
- Return type:
- get_atoms_in_group(name)
Get the atoms in the group
- get_atoms_in_range(x0, x1, filter=None)
Get the subset of atoms within the field of view
- Parameters:
x0 (float) – The start of the z range
x1 (float) – The end of the z range
filter (func) – A function to filter the atoms
- Returns:
The atom data
- Return type:
- get_molecule(name)
Get the molcule data
- Parameters:
name (str) – The molecule name
- Returns:
The molecule data
- Return type:
tuple (atoms, positions, orientations)
- identifier(name)
Get an identifier for the object
- info()
Get some sample info
- Returns:
Some sample info
- Return type:
- iter_atom_groups()
Iterate over the atom groups
- Yields:
object – The atom group
- iter_atoms()
Iterate over the atoms
- Yields:
object – The atom data
- iter_molecules()
Iterate over the molecules
- Yields:
tuple (name, data) – The molecule data
- property molecules
The list of molecule names
- Returns:
The list of molecule names
- Return type:
- property number_of_atoms
Returns: int: The number of atoms
- property number_of_molecular_models
The number of molecular models
- Returns:
The number of molecular models
- Return type:
- property number_of_molecules
The number of molecules
- Returns:
The number of molcules
- Return type:
- property shape
The ideal shape of the sample
- property shape_box
Return the shape box
- property shape_radius
Return a radius