Command line programs
Config file manipulation programs
Generate a new config file
usage: [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-f FULL]
Named Arguments
- -c, --config
The yaml file to configure the simulation
Default: “config.yaml”
- -f, --full
Generate a file with the full configuration specification
Default: False
Show the configuration
usage: [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-s SCHEMA]
Named Arguments
- -c, --config
The yaml file to configure the simulation
- -s, --schema
Show the config schema. To show full scheme type ‘-s .’. To show the schema for a specific section type e.g. ‘-s /definitions/Simulation’
Edit the configuration
usage: parakeet.config.edit [-h] -i INPUT -o OUTPUT -s CONFIG
Named Arguments
- -i, --input
The input yaml file to configure the simulation
- -o, --output
The output yaml file to configure the simulation
- -s
The configuration string
Default: “”
Sample manipulation programs
Create a new sample model
usage: [-h] -c CONFIG [-s SAMPLE]
Named Arguments
- -c, --config
The yaml file to configure the simulation
- -s, --sample
The filename for the sample file
Default: “sample.h5”
Add molecules to the sample model
usage: parakeet.sample.add_molecules [-h] -c CONFIG [-s SAMPLE]
Named Arguments
- -c, --config
The yaml file to configure the simulation
- -s, --sample
The filename for the sample file
Default: “sample.h5”
Mill the sample
usage: parakeet.sample.mill [-h] -c CONFIG [-s SAMPLE]
Named Arguments
- -c, --config
The yaml file to configure the simulation
- -s, --sample
The filename for the sample file
Default: “sample.h5”
Sputter the sample
usage: parakeet.sample.sputter [-h] -c CONFIG [-s SAMPLE]
Named Arguments
- -c, --config
The yaml file to configure the simulation
- -s, --sample
The filename for the sample file
Default: “sample.h5”
Print details about the sample model
usage: [-h] [-s SAMPLE]
Named Arguments
- -s, --sample
The filename for the sample file
Default: “sample.h5”
Image Simulation programs
Simulate the projected potential from the sample
usage: parakeet.simulate.potential [-h] -c CONFIG [-s SAMPLE] [-p POTENTIAL]
[-d {cpu,gpu}] [--nproc NPROC]
[--gpu_id GPU_ID]
Named Arguments
- -c, --config
The yaml file to configure the simulation
- -s, --sample
The filename for the sample
Default: “sample.h5”
- -p, --potential
The prefix for the filename for the potential
Default: “potential”
- -d, --device
Possible choices: cpu, gpu
Choose the device to use
- --nproc
The number of processes to use
- --gpu_id
The GPU ids (must match number of processors)
Simulate the exit wave from the sample
usage: parakeet.simulate.exit_wave [-h] -c CONFIG [-s SAMPLE] [-e EXIT_WAVE]
[-d {cpu,gpu}] [--nproc NPROC]
[--gpu_id GPU_ID]
Named Arguments
- -c, --config
The yaml file to configure the simulation
- -s, --sample
The filename for the sample
Default: “sample.h5”
- -e, --exit_wave
The filename for the exit wave
Default: “exit_wave.h5”
- -d, --device
Possible choices: cpu, gpu
Choose the device to use
- --nproc
The number of processes to use
- --gpu_id
The GPU ids (must match number of processors)
Simulate the optics and infinite dose image
usage: parakeet.simulate.optics [-h] -c CONFIG [-d {cpu,gpu}] [--nproc NPROC]
[--gpu_id GPU_ID] [-e EXIT_WAVE] [-o OPTICS]
Named Arguments
- -c, --config
The yaml file to configure the simulation
- -d, --device
Possible choices: cpu, gpu
Choose the device to use
- --nproc
The number of processes to use
- --gpu_id
The GPU ids (must match number of processors)
- -e, --exit_wave
The filename for the exit wave
Default: “exit_wave.h5”
- -o, --optics
The filename for the optics
Default: “optics.h5”
Simulate the ctf
usage: parakeet.simulate.ctf [-h] -c CONFIG [-o OUTPUT]
Named Arguments
- -c, --config
The yaml file to configure the simulation
- -o
The filename for the output
Default: “ctf.h5”
Simulate the noisy detector image
usage: parakeet.simulate.image [-h] -c CONFIG [-o OPTICS] [-i IMAGE]
Named Arguments
- -c, --config
The yaml file to configure the simulation
- -o, --optics
The filename for the optics
Default: “optics.h5”
- -i, --image
The filename for the image
Default: “image.h5”
Simulate the whole process
usage: parakeet.simulate.simple [-h] -c CONFIG [-o OUTPUT] [atoms]
Positional Arguments
- atoms
The filename for the input atoms
Named Arguments
- -c, --config
The yaml file to configure the simulation
- -o, --output
The filename for the output
Default: “output.h5”
Analysis programs
Reconstruct the volume
usage: parakeet.analyse.reconstruct [-h] -c CONFIG [-d {cpu,gpu}] [-i IMAGE]
[-r REC]
Named Arguments
- -c, --config
The yaml file to configure the simulation
- -d, --device
Possible choices: cpu, gpu
Choose the device to use
- -i, --image
The filename for the image
Default: “image.mrc”
- -r, --rec
The filename for the reconstruction
Default: “rec.mrc”
3D CTF correction of the images
usage: parakeet.analyse.correct [-h] -c CONFIG [-i IMAGE] [-cr CORRECTED]
[-ndf NUM_DEFOCUS] [-d {cpu,gpu}]
Named Arguments
- -c, --config
The yaml file to configure the simulation
- -i, --image
The filename for the image
Default: “image.mrc”
- -cr, --corrected
The filename for the corrected image
Default: “corrected_image.mrc”
- -ndf, --num-defocus
Number of defoci that correspond to different depths through for which the sample will be 3D CTF corrected
- -d, --device
Possible choices: cpu, gpu
Choose the device to use
Perform sub tomogram averaging
usage: parakeet.analyse.average_particles [-h] -c CONFIG [-s SAMPLE] [-r REC]
[-h1 HALF1] [-h2 HALF2]
Named Arguments
- -c, --config
The yaml file to configure the simulation
- -s, --sample
The filename for the sample
Default: “sample.h5”
- -r, --rec
The filename for the reconstruction
Default: “rec.mrc”
- -h1, --half1
The filename for the particle average
Default: “half1.mrc”
- -h2, --half2
The filename for the particle average
Default: “half2.mrc”
- -psz, --particle_size
The size of the particles extracted (px)
Default: 0
- -n, --num_particles
The number of particles to use
Default: 0
Perform sub tomogram averaging
usage: parakeet.analyse.average_all_particles [-h] -c CONFIG [-s SAMPLE]
[-r REC] [-avm AVERAGE]
Named Arguments
- -c, --config
The yaml file to configure the simulation
- -s, --sample
The filename for the sample
Default: “sample.h5”
- -r, --rec
The filename for the reconstruction
Default: “rec.mrc”
- -avm, --average_map
The filename for the particle average
Default: “average_map.mrc”
- -psz, --particle_size
The size of the particles extracted (px)
Default: 0
- -n, --num_particles
The number of particles to use
Default: 0
Perform sub tomogram extraction
usage: parakeet.analyse.extract [-h] -c CONFIG [-s SAMPLE] [-r REC]
Named Arguments
- -c, --config
The yaml file to configure the simulation
- -s, --sample
The filename for the sample
Default: “sample.h5”
- -r, --rec
The filename for the reconstruction
Default: “rec.mrc”
- -pm, --particle_map
The filename for the particle average
Default: “particle_map.h5”
- -psz, --particle_size
The size of the particles extracted (px)
Default: 0
- -psm, --particle_sampling
The sampling of the particle volume (factor of 2)
Default: 1
Refine map and model
usage: parakeet.analyse.refine [-h] -c CONFIG [-s SAMPLE] [-r REC]
Named Arguments
- -c, --config
The yaml file to configure the simulation
- -s, --sample
The filename for the sample
Default: “sample.h5”
- -r, --rec
The filename for the reconstruction
Default: “half1.mrc”
PDB file programs
Read a PDB file
usage: [-h] filename
Positional Arguments
- filename
The path to the PDB file
Get a PDB file
usage: parakeet.pdb.get [-h] [-d DIRECTORY] id
Positional Arguments
- id
Named Arguments
- -d, --directory
The directory to save to
Default: “.”
Other programs
Export images to a different format
usage: parakeet.export [-h] -o OUTPUT [--rot90 ROT90]
[--rotation_range ROTATION_RANGE | --select_images SELECT_IMAGES]
[--roi ROI]
[--complex_mode {complex,real,imaginary,amplitude,phase,phase_unwrap,square,imaginary_square}]
[--interlace INTERLACE] [--rebin REBIN]
[--filter_resolution FILTER_RESOLUTION]
[--filter_shape {square,gaussian}] [--vmin VMIN]
[--vmax VMAX] [--sort {angle}]
Positional Arguments
- filename
The input filename
Named Arguments
- -o, --output
The output filename
- --rot90
Rotate the image 90deg counter clockwise
Default: False
- --rotation_range
Select a rotation range (deg).
Multiple rotation ranges can be specified as: –rotation_range=start1,stop1;start2,stop2
- --select_images
Select a range of images (start,stop,step)
- --roi
Select a region of interest (–roi=x0,y0,x1,y1)
- --complex_mode
Possible choices: complex, real, imaginary, amplitude, phase, phase_unwrap, square, imaginary_square
How to treat complex numbers
Default: “complex”
- --interlace
Interlace the scan. If the value <= 1 then the images are kept in the same order, otherwise, the images are reordered by skipping images. For example, if –interlace=2 is set then the images will be written out as [1, 3, 5, … , 2, 4, 6, …]
- --rebin
The rebinned factor. The shape of the output images will be original_shape / rebin
Default: 1
- --filter_resolution
The resolution of the filter (A)
- --filter_shape
Possible choices: square, gaussian
The shape of the filter
- --vmin
The minimum pixel value when exporting to an image
- --vmax
The maximum pixel value when exporting to an image
- --sort
Possible choices: angle
Sort the images
Run full simulation experiment
usage: [-h] -c CONFIG [-s SAMPLE] [-e EXIT_WAVE] [-o OPTICS]
[-i IMAGE] [-d {cpu,gpu}] [--nproc NPROC]
[--gpu_id GPU_ID]
[--steps {all,sample,,sample.add_molecules,simulate,simulate.exit_wave,simulate.optics,simulate.image} [{all,sample,,sample.add_molecules,simulate,simulate.exit_wave,simulate.optics,simulate.image} ...]]
Named Arguments
- -c, --config
The yaml file to configure the simulation
- -s, --sample
The filename for the sample
Default: “sample.h5”
- -e, --exit_wave
The filename for the exit wave
Default: “exit_wave.h5”
- -o, --optics
The filename for the optics
Default: “optics.h5”
- -i, --image
The filename for the image
Default: “image.h5”
- -d, --device
Possible choices: cpu, gpu
Choose the device to use
- --nproc
The number of processes to use
- --gpu_id
The GPU ids (must match number of processors)
- --steps
Possible choices: all, sample,, sample.add_molecules, simulate, simulate.exit_wave, simulate.optics, simulate.image
Which simulation steps to run
Parakeet: simulate some TEM images!
usage: parakeet [-h]
{config,sample,simulate,analyse,metadata,pdb,export,run} ...
Positional Arguments
- command
Possible choices: config, sample, simulate, analyse, metadata, pdb, export, run
The parakeet sub commands
Commands to manipulate configuration files
parakeet config [-h] {new,edit,show} ...
Positional Arguments
- config_command
Possible choices: new, edit, show
The parakeet config sub commands
Generate a new config file
parakeet config new [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-f FULL]
Named Arguments
- -c, --config
The yaml file to configure the simulation
Default: “config.yaml”
- -f, --full
Generate a file with the full configuration specification
Default: False
Edit the configuration
parakeet config edit [-h] -i INPUT -o OUTPUT -s CONFIG
Named Arguments
- -i, --input
The input yaml file to configure the simulation
- -o, --output
The output yaml file to configure the simulation
- -s
The configuration string
Default: “”
Show the configuration
parakeet config show [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-s SCHEMA]
Named Arguments
- -c, --config
The yaml file to configure the simulation
- -s, --schema
Show the config schema. To show full scheme type ‘-s .’. To show the schema for a specific section type e.g. ‘-s /definitions/Simulation’
Commands to manipulate the sample files
parakeet sample [-h] {new,add_molecules,mill,sputter,show} ...
Positional Arguments
- sample_command
Possible choices: new, add_molecules, mill, sputter, show
The parakeet sample sub commands
Create a new sample model
parakeet sample new [-h] -c CONFIG [-s SAMPLE]
Named Arguments
- -c, --config
The yaml file to configure the simulation
- -s, --sample
The filename for the sample file
Default: “sample.h5”
Add molecules to the sample model
parakeet sample add_molecules [-h] -c CONFIG [-s SAMPLE]
Named Arguments
- -c, --config
The yaml file to configure the simulation
- -s, --sample
The filename for the sample file
Default: “sample.h5”
Mill the sample
parakeet sample mill [-h] -c CONFIG [-s SAMPLE]
Named Arguments
- -c, --config
The yaml file to configure the simulation
- -s, --sample
The filename for the sample file
Default: “sample.h5”
Sputter the sample
parakeet sample sputter [-h] -c CONFIG [-s SAMPLE]
Named Arguments
- -c, --config
The yaml file to configure the simulation
- -s, --sample
The filename for the sample file
Default: “sample.h5”
Print details about the sample model
parakeet sample show [-h] [-s SAMPLE]
Named Arguments
- -s, --sample
The filename for the sample file
Default: “sample.h5”
Commands to simulate the TEM images
parakeet simulate [-h] {potential,exit_wave,optics,image,ctf} ...
Positional Arguments
- simulate_command
Possible choices: potential, exit_wave, optics, image, ctf
The parakeet simulate sub commands
Simulate the projected potential from the sample
parakeet simulate potential [-h] -c CONFIG [-s SAMPLE] [-p POTENTIAL]
[-d {cpu,gpu}] [--nproc NPROC] [--gpu_id GPU_ID]
Named Arguments
- -c, --config
The yaml file to configure the simulation
- -s, --sample
The filename for the sample
Default: “sample.h5”
- -p, --potential
The prefix for the filename for the potential
Default: “potential”
- -d, --device
Possible choices: cpu, gpu
Choose the device to use
- --nproc
The number of processes to use
- --gpu_id
The GPU ids (must match number of processors)
Simulate the exit wave from the sample
parakeet simulate exit_wave [-h] -c CONFIG [-s SAMPLE] [-e EXIT_WAVE]
[-d {cpu,gpu}] [--nproc NPROC] [--gpu_id GPU_ID]
Named Arguments
- -c, --config
The yaml file to configure the simulation
- -s, --sample
The filename for the sample
Default: “sample.h5”
- -e, --exit_wave
The filename for the exit wave
Default: “exit_wave.h5”
- -d, --device
Possible choices: cpu, gpu
Choose the device to use
- --nproc
The number of processes to use
- --gpu_id
The GPU ids (must match number of processors)
Simulate the optics and infinite dose image
parakeet simulate optics [-h] -c CONFIG [-d {cpu,gpu}] [--nproc NPROC]
[--gpu_id GPU_ID] [-e EXIT_WAVE] [-o OPTICS]
Named Arguments
- -c, --config
The yaml file to configure the simulation
- -d, --device
Possible choices: cpu, gpu
Choose the device to use
- --nproc
The number of processes to use
- --gpu_id
The GPU ids (must match number of processors)
- -e, --exit_wave
The filename for the exit wave
Default: “exit_wave.h5”
- -o, --optics
The filename for the optics
Default: “optics.h5”
Simulate the noisy detector image
parakeet simulate image [-h] -c CONFIG [-o OPTICS] [-i IMAGE]
Named Arguments
- -c, --config
The yaml file to configure the simulation
- -o, --optics
The filename for the optics
Default: “optics.h5”
- -i, --image
The filename for the image
Default: “image.h5”
Simulate the ctf
parakeet simulate ctf [-h] -c CONFIG [-o OUTPUT]
Named Arguments
- -c, --config
The yaml file to configure the simulation
- -o
The filename for the output
Default: “ctf.h5”
Commands to analyse the simulated data
parakeet analyse [-h]
Positional Arguments
- analyse_command
Possible choices: reconstruct, correct, average_particles, average_all_particles, extract, refine
The parakeet analyse sub commands
Reconstruct the volume
parakeet analyse reconstruct [-h] -c CONFIG [-d {cpu,gpu}] [-i IMAGE] [-r REC]
Named Arguments
- -c, --config
The yaml file to configure the simulation
- -d, --device
Possible choices: cpu, gpu
Choose the device to use
- -i, --image
The filename for the image
Default: “image.mrc”
- -r, --rec
The filename for the reconstruction
Default: “rec.mrc”
3D CTF correction of the images
parakeet analyse correct [-h] -c CONFIG [-i IMAGE] [-cr CORRECTED]
[-ndf NUM_DEFOCUS] [-d {cpu,gpu}]
Named Arguments
- -c, --config
The yaml file to configure the simulation
- -i, --image
The filename for the image
Default: “image.mrc”
- -cr, --corrected
The filename for the corrected image
Default: “corrected_image.mrc”
- -ndf, --num-defocus
Number of defoci that correspond to different depths through for which the sample will be 3D CTF corrected
- -d, --device
Possible choices: cpu, gpu
Choose the device to use
Perform sub tomogram averaging
parakeet analyse average_particles [-h] -c CONFIG [-s SAMPLE] [-r REC]
[-h1 HALF1] [-h2 HALF2]
Named Arguments
- -c, --config
The yaml file to configure the simulation
- -s, --sample
The filename for the sample
Default: “sample.h5”
- -r, --rec
The filename for the reconstruction
Default: “rec.mrc”
- -h1, --half1
The filename for the particle average
Default: “half1.mrc”
- -h2, --half2
The filename for the particle average
Default: “half2.mrc”
- -psz, --particle_size
The size of the particles extracted (px)
Default: 0
- -n, --num_particles
The number of particles to use
Default: 0
Perform sub tomogram averaging
parakeet analyse average_all_particles [-h] -c CONFIG [-s SAMPLE] [-r REC]
Named Arguments
- -c, --config
The yaml file to configure the simulation
- -s, --sample
The filename for the sample
Default: “sample.h5”
- -r, --rec
The filename for the reconstruction
Default: “rec.mrc”
- -avm, --average_map
The filename for the particle average
Default: “average_map.mrc”
- -psz, --particle_size
The size of the particles extracted (px)
Default: 0
- -n, --num_particles
The number of particles to use
Default: 0
Perform sub tomogram extraction
parakeet analyse extract [-h] -c CONFIG [-s SAMPLE] [-r REC] [-pm PARTICLES]
Named Arguments
- -c, --config
The yaml file to configure the simulation
- -s, --sample
The filename for the sample
Default: “sample.h5”
- -r, --rec
The filename for the reconstruction
Default: “rec.mrc”
- -pm, --particle_map
The filename for the particle average
Default: “particle_map.h5”
- -psz, --particle_size
The size of the particles extracted (px)
Default: 0
- -psm, --particle_sampling
The sampling of the particle volume (factor of 2)
Default: 1
Refine map and model
parakeet analyse refine [-h] -c CONFIG [-s SAMPLE] [-r REC]
Named Arguments
- -c, --config
The yaml file to configure the simulation
- -s, --sample
The filename for the sample
Default: “sample.h5”
- -r, --rec
The filename for the reconstruction
Default: “half1.mrc”
Commands to manipulate metadata
parakeet metadata [-h] {export} ...
Positional Arguments
- metadata_command
Possible choices: export
The parakeet metadata sub commands
Export the metadata to star files for downstream processing
parakeet metadata export [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-s SAMPLE] [-i IMAGE]
[--directory DIRECTORY] [--relion RELION]
Named Arguments
- -c, --config
The yaml file to configure the simulation
Default: “config.yaml”
- -s, --sample
The filename for the sample file
Default: “sample.h5”
- -i, --image
The filename for the image file
Default: “image.h5”
- --directory
The directory to export to
Default: “.”
- --relion
Export the relion metadata
Default: True
Commands to operate on pdb files
parakeet pdb [-h] {get,read} ...
Positional Arguments
- pdb_command
Possible choices: get, read
The parakeet pdb sub commands
Get a PDB file
parakeet pdb get [-h] [-d DIRECTORY] id
Positional Arguments
- id
Named Arguments
- -d, --directory
The directory to save to
Default: “.”
Read a PDB file
parakeet pdb read [-h] filename
Positional Arguments
- filename
The path to the PDB file
Export images to a different format
parakeet export [-h] -o OUTPUT [--rot90 ROT90]
[--rotation_range ROTATION_RANGE | --select_images SELECT_IMAGES]
[--roi ROI]
[--complex_mode {complex,real,imaginary,amplitude,phase,phase_unwrap,square,imaginary_square}]
[--interlace INTERLACE] [--rebin REBIN]
[--filter_resolution FILTER_RESOLUTION]
[--filter_shape {square,gaussian}] [--vmin VMIN] [--vmax VMAX]
[--sort {angle}]
Positional Arguments
- filename
The input filename
Named Arguments
- -o, --output
The output filename
- --rot90
Rotate the image 90deg counter clockwise
Default: False
- --rotation_range
Select a rotation range (deg).
Multiple rotation ranges can be specified as: –rotation_range=start1,stop1;start2,stop2
- --select_images
Select a range of images (start,stop,step)
- --roi
Select a region of interest (–roi=x0,y0,x1,y1)
- --complex_mode
Possible choices: complex, real, imaginary, amplitude, phase, phase_unwrap, square, imaginary_square
How to treat complex numbers
Default: “complex”
- --interlace
Interlace the scan. If the value <= 1 then the images are kept in the same order, otherwise, the images are reordered by skipping images. For example, if –interlace=2 is set then the images will be written out as [1, 3, 5, … , 2, 4, 6, …]
- --rebin
The rebinned factor. The shape of the output images will be original_shape / rebin
Default: 1
- --filter_resolution
The resolution of the filter (A)
- --filter_shape
Possible choices: square, gaussian
The shape of the filter
- --vmin
The minimum pixel value when exporting to an image
- --vmax
The maximum pixel value when exporting to an image
- --sort
Possible choices: angle
Sort the images
Run full simulation experiment
parakeet run [-h] -c CONFIG [-s SAMPLE] [-e EXIT_WAVE] [-o OPTICS] [-i IMAGE]
[-d {cpu,gpu}] [--nproc NPROC] [--gpu_id GPU_ID]
[--steps {all,sample,,sample.add_molecules,simulate,simulate.exit_wave,simulate.optics,simulate.image} [{all,sample,,sample.add_molecules,simulate,simulate.exit_wave,simulate.optics,simulate.image} ...]]
Named Arguments
- -c, --config
The yaml file to configure the simulation
- -s, --sample
The filename for the sample
Default: “sample.h5”
- -e, --exit_wave
The filename for the exit wave
Default: “exit_wave.h5”
- -o, --optics
The filename for the optics
Default: “optics.h5”
- -i, --image
The filename for the image
Default: “image.h5”
- -d, --device
Possible choices: cpu, gpu
Choose the device to use
- --nproc
The number of processes to use
- --gpu_id
The GPU ids (must match number of processors)
- --steps
Possible choices: all, sample,, sample.add_molecules, simulate, simulate.exit_wave, simulate.optics, simulate.image
Which simulation steps to run